What kind of medicine to take for 45 year old people with mild hypertension

I want stability Ask questions at 19:49:46, May 24, 2024
Recommended answer

If the 45 year old people have mild hypertension, they can take beta blocker, that is, metoprolol, or diuretics, which can play a role in stabilizing blood pressure. It is mainly about lifestyle intervention to avoid excessive mental stress and anxiety. In daily life, we should ensure sufficient sleep, which will help stabilize blood pressure to a certain extent. We should also pay attention to the regulation of diet, especially the intake of cholesterol and fat in food. We should also avoid eating foods with high salt and fat, as well as foods with high sugar. We must quit smoking and drinking, and carry out some outdoor activities in an appropriate amount, such as walking, jogging, shadowboxing Dancing square dance will play a role in reducing weight and stabilizing blood pressure. And we should monitor our blood pressure every day and take the medicine on time and in proper amount.

I want stability 2024-05-27 10:46:09

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