What's wrong with a little pimple growing in the privacy

Autumn Leaves Ask questions on 2024-05-19 00:21:25
Recommended answer

Small pimples on the private part may be sebaceous gland cyst or vestibular gland cyst, or sebaceous gland nodule or vulval disease, but it needs to be differentiated from condyloma acuminatum. Condyloma acuminatum is a disease with sexual transmission as the main route of transmission. At the initial stage, it is scattered alone. The disease will gradually merge into flakes, sometimes into chicken crowns or mulberries, and there will be increased leucorrhea, pain in sexual life and other discomfort. Therefore, the pimples in the vulva need to be alerted. It is recommended to go to the hospital for gynecological outpatient examination. Simple sebaceous gland nodules or subcutaneous foreign bodies can be left untreated. Serious skin infectious diseases need to be alerted and actively treated.

Autumn Leaves 2024-05-20 11:18:46

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