What is the reason of thick neck

A little rain falls into the mountain mist Ask questions on 2024-05-24 17:26:21
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The reasons for the thick neck are as follows: 1. There is a lack of iodine in the soil and water quality of the place where you live. In addition, the iodine intake in your diet is insufficient. It is easy to cause endemic goiter. The neck looks thicker. 2. With hyperthyroidism, the blood flow in the neck is relatively rich, the blood vessels will expand, and the neck is relatively large in appearance. 3. Due to the influence of heredity, diet, disease and other factors, the body is in a relatively fat state, and there will be more fat in the whole body. The neck fat will also be significantly thickened, and the neck will become significantly thicker. 4. There are nodules and tumors in the thyroid or neck. When the volume increases, the neck will become significantly thicker, and there will be compression symptoms.

A little rain falls into the mountain mist 2024-05-27 11:09:42

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