What department does halitosis belong to in the hospital

Stepping on flowers and touring the lake Ask questions at 18:30:22, May 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Bad breath should be linked to the department of stomatology in hospitals. For halitosis, you should eat more fruits at ordinary times, which can help avoid or reduce halitosis. In addition, you should eat more foods rich in vitamins and cellulose, which is conducive to cleaning your mouth. Bad breath is usually caused by oral diseases, stomach fire, gastrointestinal diseases, Helicobacter pylori infection, constipation, etc. You can go to the hospital's stomatology department to check whether there are oral diseases. If the oral cavity is normal, you can go to the hospital's digestive department for an examination to see if there are gastrointestinal diseases, helicobacter pylori infection and other diseases, and treat according to the examination. At ordinary times, you should drink more water and not eat food with peculiar smell to avoid constipation. Usually, if the saliva stinks, there may be gingivitis, periodontitis, etc., because the stomach is not good, the stomach power is poor, bile flows back to the stomach, and the saliva stinks; Because dieting to lose weight will lead to endocrine disorder and reduced saliva secretion, which will spread bacteria and produce bad breath.? Because of the bad breath caused by taking certain drugs, you should pay more attention to cleaning and protecting your teeth, and brush your teeth three times a day. If the serious patients need to go to the hospital for treatment, do more exercise, promote gastric motility, do not blindly diet, pay attention to the diet rules, actively treat primary diseases, and eat more animal liver, eat less spicy and stimulating food, smoke less, drink less, it will be much better. At the same time, learn to relax and release pressure.

Stepping on flowers and touring the lake 2024-05-27 10:46:09

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