What are the benefits of drinking luffa water

Not surprised by honor or disgrace Ask questions at 13:54:04, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The benefits of properly drinking luffa water are as follows: 1. It can clear away heat and dissipate phlegm, because the luffa water has a sweet and cool taste from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine dietotherapy. For those who are hot, irritated, coughing, expectoration, and coughing blood, if properly drinking luffa water, it will have good benefits of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm; 2. It can cool the blood and detoxify. For people with hemorrhoids, sore throat, red eyes, metrorrhagia, sores and boils caused by blood heat, if they drink luffa water properly, it can cool the blood and detoxify through its sweet and cool characteristics.

Not surprised by honor or disgrace 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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