What to take for carpal tunnel syndrome

Lingding Shengfeng Ask questions on 2024-05-16 15:21:42
Recommended answer

There are few oral drugs for carpal tunnel syndrome. Generally, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and blood activating and stasis removing drugs are used for symptomatic treatment. It is mainly local treatment, such as wrist canal injection of prednisolone acetate. The treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome includes non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment. Non operative treatment is suitable for early patients, who should be given neutral wrist immobilization, supplemented by oral non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, blood activating and stasis removing drugs or local physical therapy; Prednisolone acetate can be injected into the wrist canal, which can achieve good results. The surgical treatment is suitable for patients with tendon sheath cyst in the carpal tunnel, chronic synovitis with a long course of disease, benign tumor and ectopic muscle abdomen. Because the wall of the carpal tunnel is thickened and the carpal tunnel is narrow, the transverse carpal ligament can be cut and decompressed. If it is found that the median nerve has become hard or locally expanded during the operation, the epineurium should be cut, the scar between nerve bundles should be removed, and the neurolysis should be performed. In general, there are few oral drugs that can completely treat carpal tunnel syndrome. It is suggested that patients should not blindly use drugs by themselves, and should be treated correctly and formally under the guidance of doctors.

Lingding Shengfeng 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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