How is scrotal damp to return a responsibility? What to do if scrotum is wet

Wait for an old man Ask questions on June 23, 2024 at 13:48:19
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Scrotal dampness refers to male scrotal erosion, dampness, itching and other symptoms caused by spleen deficiency and kidney deficiency, drug allergy, lack of vitamins, fungus breeding and other reasons. It is a kind of male specific skin scrotal eczema with complex causes, including internal factors and external factors.

How is scrotal damp to return a responsibility? What to do if scrotum is wet

What's wrong with scrotal dampness

Scrotal dampness refers to male scrotal erosion, dampness, itching and other symptoms caused by spleen deficiency and kidney deficiency, drug allergy, lack of vitamins, fungus breeding and other reasons. It is a kind of male specific skin scrotal eczema with complex causes, including internal factors and external factors. People with allergic constitution, people with long-term mental tension and great mood changes are prone to suffer from this disease, so they can try drugs containing Kanglieshule. In addition, people with some diseases, such as chronic digestive system diseases and gastrointestinal dysfunction, endocrine disorders, and metabolic disorders, are also prone to suffer from this disease under the effect of external factors.

What is the cause of scrotal dampness

Damp heat of lower coke

For the problem of how the scrotum is damp, the damp heat in the lower energizer is also one of the reasons, and this situation is caused by natural climate and unclean diet. For example, people who like drinking and eating spicy food are often very hot and humid. They spit out their tongues with thick fur, sticky urine and yellow urine. At the same time, they also have wet scrotum.

In addition to diet, of course, it has something to do with the climate. If it is often rainy and humid, the scrotum of people with spleen deficiency will be even wetter.

Splenic dampness

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, part of the reason for male scrotal dampness is due to excessive spleen dampness. The water metabolism of our people mainly consists of three internal organs: the first lung, the second spleen, and the third kidney. In some men with wet scrotum, the spleen is obstructed, leading to food and water not being transported to all parts of the body.

There are many reasons for spleen dampness, including congenital and acquired. The congenital is inherited by parents, and the spleen function is weaker. Another reason is acquired, such as poor health and frequent illness, which can lead to severe spleen dampness. When the function of the spleen is bad, the function of transportation and transformation is bad, which affects the function of the spleen in transporting water and moisture. This is why people with wet spleen often have loose stools. Some people with spleen deficiency are prone to damp scrotum, which is caused by the poor transportation of water and dampness and spleen deficiency.

Chronic preadenotitis

You may not know that one of the typical symptoms of chronic prostatitis is scrotal dampness. In addition, it has a lot to do with long-term sitting and working in an overheated environment. If you are a patient with anterior glandular inflammation, scrotal dampness is related to anterior glandular inflammation. This is because the scrotal skin has more wrinkles, sweat glands, strong secretory force, and the air is not easy to circulate. Wearing tight underwear such as chemical fiber will make the air permeability worse.

physiological function

Some men suffering from some physiological disorders will also lead to the appearance of scrotal dampness, such as problems in the anterior gonad. The anterior gonad is close to the seminal vesicle and the transmission tube. Once infected with inflammation, it will lead to bacteria slowly flowing down the transmission tube. As for the scrotum, it will destroy the function of regulating the divine channel, causing disorder. Disturbance of nerve regulation will affect the physiological function of sweat glands, resulting in imbalance between the amount of sweat secretion and the amount of volatilization, and ultimately contribute to local damp itching.


Part of the cause of scrotal dampness is related to tight underpants. If the scrotum is in a closed environment for a long time, it will inevitably lead to scrotal dampness. In fact, the scrotum itself has a certain relaxation and contraction capacity. Its skin contains a lot of sweat glands, which can adjust the local temperature and maintain balance. However, if the sweat secreted cannot be released in time, the scrotum will be wet and cold.

Therefore, male friends must pay special attention. When choosing underpants in daily life, they must choose cotton and breathable underpants to prevent scrotal moisture.

What to do if scrotum is wet

Damp scrotum is not necessarily pathological, so if there is no other discomfort, pay attention to local cleaning and drying. Pay attention to light diet at ordinary times, eat less raw and cold food, and eat less spicy and fishy food. However, the dampness of the scrotum may have some relationship with anterior gonadal diseases. It is suggested that you should actively check the anterior gonad to determine the specific condition and pay attention to symptomatic treatment.

Western medicine treatment

Scrotal eczema is a common scrotal skin disease, commonly known as "Hydrangea wind", "Kidney sac wind". It occurs symmetrically, often affects the entire scrotum, and the affected area is extremely itchy. It lasts for a long time in the clinical course, has recurrent attacks, and is not easy to cure. The disease can be divided into acute and chronic. The acute phase is equivalent to "erosive type", and the chronic phase is equivalent to "dry type". This disease is often seen in summer.

The scrotum is the part where men are ashamed to open their mouths. However, the skin here is also an eventful place. The following diseases often cause itching of the scrotum:

Scrotal eczema: Erythema, papules, blisters, erosion, exudation, scab and other symptoms appear on the scrotal skin, and the patient feels burning and itching. Acute swelling or erosion often occurs due to scratching and hot water washing. The course of the disease is long, and repeated attacks make the skin thicker, rougher and pigmented.

The scrotal skin of tinea cruris has ring-shaped erythema, desquamation and severe itching. Most patients suffer from tinea pedis (commonly known as beriberi) or tinea manus at the same time, and often have the same symptoms on the thigh skin and buttocks on the opposite side of the scrotum.

Fixed drug eruption A certain part of scrotal skin repeatedly appears round edematous erythema with clear edges, burning sensation and itching sensation. It often appears within a few hours after taking the drug by mistake. It gradually subsides about a week after stopping taking the drug, sometimes leaving dark purple spots. If the drug is taken by mistake again, it can recur.

Soybean sized nodules appeared on the skin of scabies scrotum. Prior to this, scattered papules and blisters first appeared in the finger suture, wrist, waist and lower abdomen, and most of them appeared severe itching at night.

Scrotal neurodermatitis This disease is closely related to emotions. When emotions fluctuate, the scrotum area is severely itchy, and after scratching, the skin appears papules, which slowly become one piece, and the skin thickens and hardens.

Riboflavin deficiency scrotum can be caused by consuming refined white rice, refined white flour, repeatedly scrubbing rice, eating chopped vegetables, soaking, or long-term diarrhea, constipation, anorexia, pickiness, and preference. Its main manifestations are: at the beginning, the scrotum is slightly red and shiny. Later, light red patches occur on both sides of the scrotal suture, with scales adhered on them. Soon, several flat papules of the size of soybeans may appear, with different degrees of itching, often accompanied by angular stomatitis and glossitis. As long as you take riboflavin tablets for one week, your symptoms will improve significantly. After you change your eating habits or have normal gastrointestinal function, your condition will also ease quickly, but it will recur when you are in poor nutritional status.

The common skin diseases of the scrotum mentioned above are often indistinguishable from each other, and the treatment methods are different, so it is necessary to ask a specialist for diagnosis and symptomatic treatment according to the specific condition.

TCM typing

Scrotal eczema is generally divided into deficiency and excess in traditional Chinese medicine: excess is due to damp heat. It is usually caused by eating spicy, fat and sweet food, or the scrotum is wet, sweat is soaked, and underwear is rubbed. Papes, small sores and abscesses can be seen in the scrotum. After scratching, erosion, exudation, crusting and other changes appear. The scrotal skin is red and red, burning, and the deficiency syndrome mostly changes from the acute phase. The scrotal skin is thickened, rough as grass, black, and itchy. The treatment of excess syndrome should clear away heat and promote dampness, while deficiency syndrome should nourish blood and moisturize skin.

Prescription reference

External medication

Shuzheng combination Jingmaitong: used twice in the morning and evening, first apply Shuzheng combination Tongluo ointment to the scrotum, gently massage for 5-10 minutes, then apply Shuzheng combination bacteriostatic nutrients to the scrotum, and dry it.

Internal service party

(1) Jiawei Ermiao Powder: 10g Junshu, 10g Huangbai, 10g Jingjie, 10g Fangfeng, 10g Cicada Cloth, one dose a day, boiled in water, taken twice. This is my experience. It is suitable for scrotal eczema caused by damp heat.

(2) Sophora flavescens mixture: 15g Sophora flavescens, 15g Phellodendron amurense, 10g Cnidium monnieri, 10g Honeysuckle, one dose a day, decoction, twice a day. It is suitable for scrotal eczema with damp heat.

External users

(1) 10% Huanggong water cold wet compress, or use sesame oil to mix Indigo Naturalis powder into a paste, count the affected parts, 1-2 times a day. It is suitable for scrotal eczema with damp heat.

(2) 20g almonds, 60g dandelion, 15g wild chrysanthemum, wet compress after cold decoction, 2-3 times a day. It is applicable to scrotal eczema with more damp heat, erosion and water.

(3) Indigo Naturalis Powder: decoct it with the lacquer water, remove the residue and take the cream, mix it into Indigo Naturalis Powder, and apply it twice a day. It is suitable for scrotal eczema with blood deficiency and wind.

Precautions for scrotal dampness

When there is scrotal itching, it should be actively treated. Do not scratch or scald excessively, especially with soapy water.

The underwear should be loose and comfortable, preferably made of pure cotton, and should not be too tight. Change your underwear in time, especially after sports.

In terms of diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and do not eat or eat less spicy food.

Wait for an old man 2024-06-24 11:38:29

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