What kind of medicine is better for hives

Taste life Ask questions on 2024-05-26 08:49:32
Recommended answer

We mainly choose the drugs according to the severity of urticaria. Most of the time, we will choose oral or intravenous infusion for treatment. For urticaria, topical drugs are mainly an auxiliary treatment effect, so we will choose calamine lotion, skin disease lotion, or dehumidification and antipruritic lotion for antipruritic treatment. The main treatment is oral and intravenous drugs. Urticaria is an allergic skin disease. There are many reasons for urticaria, including low immunity and unreasonable lifestyle. It may be caused by food or environmental contact, drugs or infection. When urticaria occurs, it mainly consists of some edematous erythema or wheals, accompanied by severe itching.

Taste life 2024-05-27 11:08:21

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