What Chinese Herbs to Eat for Chronic Prostatitis

Gentle and considerate Ask on 2024-06-02 20:55:17
Recommended answer

Chronic prostatitis can be divided into chronic aseptic prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis. If it is bacterial prostatitis, antibiotics in western medicine can be used for treatment, and many kinds of antibiotics are effective. You can also choose traditional Chinese medicine treatment, including Suoquan capsule, Qianlieshutong capsule, prostate tablet, etc., which can significantly improve patients' perineal pain and improve patients' dysuria. For aseptic chronic prostatitis, some Chinese patent medicines are mainly used for conditioning, and the above Chinese patent medicines are also effective for this type of prostatitis. But at the same time of drug treatment, it is also necessary to avoid spicy and stimulating food, alcohol and tobacco, avoid sitting for a long time, try to avoid long-term cycling, and drive moderately.

Gentle and considerate 2024-06-03 12:16:34

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