What to do when couples quarrel

Sunrise and Midheaven Ask questions on 2024-06-03 00:54:09
Recommended answer

In fact, husband and wife quarrel is a very common, very common and not surprising thing, because two people's lives contain two kinds of thoughts that collide in life, and need both sides' humility, comity and care. Then what should we do when couples quarrel.

Operation method

A quarrel is a quarrel. Don't cross the bottom line. The bottom line is: don't easily say the words like separation and divorce, which are very hurtful and emotional.

If you insist that your words and deeds are right, then try to calm down, don't talk, go out for a walk, shop, watch a movie, and relax yourself. This will release the pressure and adjust the mood.

Arguing is the best way to fight. Sometimes, if you are too aggressive, you will use force. So you should pay attention not to smash the household appliances and goods, let alone attack the other party, because it is against the law. If the goods are damaged, it will cost RMB at most. If the people break it, it will be bad.

The best way to quarrel is to close the doors and windows, and quarrel in the bedroom. Don't let outsiders know, because good things can be passed on, and ugly things can't go out. How bad it is to let people know that you have quarreled temporarily.

If one party acts too quickly, he/she should follow him/her without setting out. When he/she calms down, give him/her a steady hug, and he/she will lose his/her breath. At this time, he/she can talk about what he/she just did and admit his/her mistake.

Sunrise and Midheaven 2024-06-07 09:56:26

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