What is the best medicine for hemorrhoids and anal fissure

Demon dispelling heaven and earth Ask questions on 2024-05-29 08:05:45
Recommended answer

If hemorrhoids are found in the anus through inspection, and there are also problems of anal fissure, the specific treatment is conservative treatment or surgical treatment, mainly to see the extent of local hemorrhoids and anal fissure. If it is not very serious through inspection, then usually pay attention to drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, proper exercise, and promoting intestinal peristalsis. In addition, do not eat spicy food, do not drink alcohol, and avoid stool dryness and constipation. Then use warm water or iodophor to sterilize the anus, and then apply hemorrhoid ointment. When hemorrhoids are serious, use hemorrhoid suppository in the anus, and take some Huazhiling tablets and hemorrhoid capsules for oral medicine. After these conservative treatments, hemorrhoids and mild anal fissure will be slowly improved and recovered. However, if the local bed and anal fissure are relatively serious, surgery may be required to recover better

Demon dispelling heaven and earth 2024-06-03 12:09:23

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