How to treat psoriasis better

Rush forward Ask questions at 03:08:26, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The treatment of psoriasis mainly depends on the severity of the disease. Mild patients can choose to use only external drugs for application, such as retinoic acid cream, hormone ointment, etc., while serious patients can use oral drugs. The choice of oral drugs generally includes some anti-tumor drugs, glucocorticoids, retinoids and some immune drugs, including cyclosporine; There is also biological agent therapy. At present, biological agent therapy has been widely used in clinical practice, and has also achieved good clinical results; At the same time, it will cooperate with some physical therapy, such as ultraviolet ray and photochemical therapy. The combination of several methods can achieve an ideal clinical effect.

Rush forward 2024-04-22 12:29:53

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