What's the harm of high thyroid hormone during pregnancy

blue sky Ask questions on 2024-05-13 21:46:22
Recommended answer

High thyroxine during pregnancy is harmful to some extent, but it mainly depends on whether it causes low thyroid stimulating hormone. If thyroxine is too high and thyrotropin is too low during pregnancy, we should consider whether it is hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is divided into HCG related hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroidism caused by toxic diffuse goiter. If hyperthyroidism is caused by toxic diffuse goiter, it may cause premature delivery, abortion and stillbirth of pregnant women, affect the growth and development of the fetus, and easily cause fetal arrest. Therefore, hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is very easy to affect the health of pregnant women and babies. We must clarify the cause under the guidance of a specialist, so that we can give treatment.

blue sky 2024-05-20 11:56:11

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