What aspects should we pay more attention to in the daily maintenance of prostate?

Laugh over the past Ask on 2024-06-23 07:38:20
Recommended answer

The anterior gonad is a male specific gonadal organ. The anterior gonad is a rare sexual secretory gland with both internal and external secretory functions. The anterior gonad secretes about 2ml of anterior gonad fluid every day, which is the main component of the anterior gonad fluid

As a male specific gonad organ, it brings happiness to men and also brings a lot of pain to men. Especially for men over 40 years old, frequent urination, urgency, waiting for urination, poor urination, dysuria, pain in urination and so on often occur. These problems not only bring embarrassment to life and work, but also may affect male sexual ability, making men miserable! Once these problems appear, it may mean that your anterior gonad is beginning to become hypertrophic, or you have anterior gonaditis.

Here, we propose several practical health care tips for your reference. If you have a family member who is a male over 30 years old, please pay attention!

1. Drink more water and urinate more: Drink more water and urinate more. Urine with high concentration will cause more irritation to the anterior gonad. Therefore, drink more water to dilute the concentration of urine. It is also a good method for kidney health care.

2. Relax more: life pressure may increase the chance of prostate enlargement. Clinically, when life pressure slows down, the anterior gonadal symptoms usually ease.

3. Regular life: Clinically, regular life once or twice a week can alleviate the prostate gland disease, and the best way to empty the anterior gonad is regular life. Many middle-aged couples usually lose their regular life slowly, which is very unfavorable for the anterior gonad health care.

4. Moderate exercise: men are sedentary and lack of exercise is also an important reason for inducing anterior gonadal problems. Therefore, men should pay attention to exercise. Generally, they should stand up and walk for five minutes after sitting for half an hour, and they should exercise for more than half an hour every day, so that they can get full exercise and help improve male sexual ability.

5. Warm water bath: warm water bath can relieve muscle and prostate tension, so it can alleviate symptoms.

6. Keep away from caffeine, spicy and alcohol: Although the effects of the above three kinds of stimulating foods on men vary from person to person, it is better to keep away from them for health.

Laugh over the past 2024-06-24 11:34:06

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