Begonia mosaic pictures

Tell yourself to be strong Ask questions on 2024-06-04 04:19:45
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Nicknames of Begonia speciosa: Begonia sinensis, Begonia shanhaiensis, Cock's acid moss, Begonia speciosa, Latin name: Begonia cathayana Hemsl Begonia family, Begonia is a perennial herb with stems. The rhizome is elongated, cylindrical, twisted, and most fibrous roots grow at the nodes. Stems are often branched, angular, and covered with short brown spreading hairs. Basal leaves not seen, stem leaves alternate, long stalked; The two sides of the leaf blade are extremely unequal, the outline is extremely oblique, ovate to wide ovate, the capsule is pendulous, with longitudinal ribs, glabrous, the outline is obovate oblong, sparsely hairy or nearly glabrous, the large ones are broad tongue shaped or oblong, with longitudinal stripes, glabrous, and oblique triangle; Most seeds, small, oblong, light brown, smooth.

Pictures of Begonia variegata

Begonia mosaic pictures

Begonia mosaic pictures

Begonia mosaic pictures

Tell yourself to be strong 2024-06-07 10:04:28

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