Why does hair care start from the scalp

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Why does hair care start from the scalp

Hair and scalp are closely related. They affect each other and together form the overall health of the head. Hair and scalp are like trees and soil. If the soil is poor, then trees will be difficult to thrive; If the soil is rich in nutrients, then the tree will grow taller upward and more stable downward. The healthy scalp has smooth blood circulation, and the PH is in the balance of weak acid flora, water and oil. The appearance is bluish white, shiny and free from dandruff.

How to maintain scalp

1. Healthy scalp

The scalp is bluish white, shiny and free from blockage. No special maintenance is required. Usually, attention is paid to maintenance.

2. Dry scalp

The scalp is grayish white, and the hair is lusterless, dry, and easy to knot. Usually, pay attention to moisturizing, and you can use nourishing shampoo.

3. Oily scalp

The scalp is grayish yellow, and the hair is greasy, flat and easy to stick to the scalp. Pay attention to cleaning at ordinary times, and choose shampoo with strong oil control ability.

4. Sensitive scalp

The scalp is pink, prone to redness, itching and tingling. Resistance is more important than cleaning at ordinary times, and mild shampoo can be used.

Correct steps for hair care

1. Pay attention to the frequency of shampoo

Shampoo should not be too frequent, and the interval between shampoos should be judged according to the hair quality and season: 3-7 times a week in summer, 1-3 times a week in spring, autumn and winter. Oily hair can be washed once every 1-2 days, neutral hair 2-3 days, and dry hair 3-4 days generally. Dry hair should not be washed every day. The longer the hair is, the more oil it needs. If the supply is insufficient, it is easy to become dry. The more frequently you wash it, the more dry it becomes.

2. Hair conditioner should be matched

Long hair must be treated with hair conditioner. Without hair conditioner, the hair cannot be combed smoothly, especially the permed and dyed hair. The hair conditioner is best matched with shampoo, and the matching effect is of course the best.

3. Use hair mask twice a week

Long hair must be made of hair mask, which is concentrated to supplement nutrition for hair. It is not enough to rely on normal hair conditioner alone. Use the hair mask twice a week, and long hair will look shiny and smooth.

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White and turbid wine in the cup 2024-06-13 10:00:19

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