What is the cause of coughing and peeing pants

Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage Ask questions on 2024-05-31 00:49:54
Recommended answer

Coughing and urinating in pants is mainly caused by the sudden increase of abdominal pressure during coughing, which leads to the temporary failure of bladder detrusor function, but this situation may also be related to the relaxation of your pelvic floor muscles. Since the pelvic floor muscle itself is loose after the birth of the baby by the menstruating woman, and the urine regulation function is poor, when coughing occurs, the momentary increase in pressure will lead to further relaxation of the pelvic floor muscle and the phenomenon of pants urination, so if it is such a pathological condition, we must pay attention to the exercise of pelvic floor muscle function later, Otherwise, enuresis may occur when you do not cough.

Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage 2024-06-03 11:55:54

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