What patients with hypertension should pay attention to

Safe and happy life Ask on May 21, 2024-23:17:16
Recommended answer

Once hypertension is diagnosed, patients should pay attention to taking antihypertensive drugs regularly and according to the doctor's advice. They should keep their blood pressure stable. They must not stop taking drugs or adjust the dosage of drugs without permission. They should also pay attention to monitoring blood pressure regularly, keep their emotions stable and avoid excessive emotional fluctuations. At the same time, patients also need to pay attention to the warm keeping measures after the weather turns cold. They should be careful not to eat some spicy and irritant food, or some salty food. Hypertension patients should limit fatty foods in their life, and at the same time, they should avoid smoking and drinking. They also need to carry out some sports according to their physical conditions, pay attention not to stay up late, ensure adequate sleep time, and pay attention to controlling their weight.

Safe and happy life 2024-05-27 11:12:02

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