Hyperthyroidism is big neck

Epiphyllum reticulatum Ask questions on 2024-05-16 12:43:37
Recommended answer

The big neck is a thyroid tumor. As long as the thyroid tumor is closely related to the endocrine gland, its pathogenesis is mainly due to eating too much iodine containing food, the iodine intake cannot meet the physiological needs or it is a familial genetic disease caused by iodine deficiency using some thyroid food. Hyperthyroidism is a manifestation of goiter. Not all hyperthyroidism patients have goiter, and some hyperthyroidism patients will have swollen neck. Hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by endocrine disorders. Patients will suffer from panic, emaciation, excessive sweating, exophthalmos and other symptoms.

Epiphyllum reticulatum 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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