How to treat female acute urinary tract infection

Lily sprouts new branches again Ask questions at 17:10:27 on April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Urinary tract infection is a common disease in women. Its clinical manifestations are frequent urination, urgency of urination, pain in urination, and hematuria with naked eyes. If symptoms of urinary tract infection occur, it is recommended to go to the urological department of a regular hospital for routine urine examination. Urinary tract infection can be diagnosed if there is a significant increase in leukocytes in routine urine examination. Take orally cephalosporins or quinolones under the guidance of doctors. Patients should pay attention to drinking more water, not holding their urine, not sitting for a long time, not staying up late, not drinking, not eating spicy and stimulating food. wait.

Lily sprouts new branches again 2024-04-22 12:26:50

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