What is the best treatment for tinea cruris

Fight for face Ask questions at 11:50:00, May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

The best treatment for tinea cruris is a comprehensive treatment based on antifungal treatment: tinea cruris is a fungal inflammatory reaction caused by local skin infection with tinea, so the use of antifungal drugs is the most fundamental treatment. When the lesion area is relatively wide, oral administration is generally the main method. For patients with limited lesion area, external application of ointment can be used to treat the lesions. Pay attention to skin care. Local skin is too wet and slightly damaged, which is easy to cause or aggravate tinea cruris. Therefore, pay attention to changing clothes and bathing frequently, wear loose, comfortable and breathable clothes, avoid friction and scratching, and keep local skin clean, dry and complete. It is suggested that patients with tinea cruris should choose a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

Fight for face 2024-06-03 12:18:35

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