Is hyperthyroidism neck uncomfortable

freely flowing style of writing Ask questions at 02:37:23, May 13, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with hyperthyroidism may have uncomfortable neck symptoms. Especially when patients with hyperthyroidism have obvious goiter, the symptoms of neck discomfort will be more obvious. Most of them are because after goiter, the swollen thyroid may compress the trachea, leading to respiratory discomfort. Hyperthyroidism is also called hyperthyroidism, and there are many types of hyperthyroidism. Especially after suffering from toxic nodular goiter, the nodules will be more and larger, which will make the neck of the patient thicker. For patients with hyperthyroidism, after neck discomfort, they need to go to the hospital for B-ultrasound to check the size of the thyroid gland and the condition in the thyroid gland, and also need to draw blood to check thyroid function.

freely flowing style of writing 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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