How to treat swollen lymph nodes

Fan wind Ask questions at 02:30:54, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

How to treat swollen lymph nodes? According to different causes of lymph node enlargement, there are different treatments. If the lymphadenopathy is caused by viral infection, the treatment is mainly anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-inflammatory, commonly used Chinese patent medicine. If it is bacterial lymphadenitis, antibiotics and other drugs can be used for treatment. Lymph node tuberculosis can be treated with triple anti tuberculosis treatment or quadruple anti tuberculosis treatment. If the cervical lymph node is swollen and caused by lymphoma, chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be given. If it is metastatic malignant tumor, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery can be given.

Fan wind 2024-04-22 12:31:44

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