How to treat pulmonary granuloma and nodules

Make an appointment with an old friend Ask on April 21, 2024:23:25:01
Recommended answer

How to treat pulmonary granulomatous nodules is mainly to determine the causes of granulomatous nodules. Check blood routine test, ESR, C-reactive protein, tuberculosis antibody, tuberculin test, X-ray chest film, chest CT, T-SPOT test, tumor related factors. According to the results of the examination, determine the cause of disease, and then give treatment to the cause. Granulomatous nodules are commonly seen as tuberculosis, and anti tuberculosis treatment can be given. Drink more water, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoid spicy and stimulating food. Keep warm and prevent getting cold.

Make an appointment with an old friend 2024-04-22 11:39:56

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