What does muscle spasm mean

Legal pioneer- Ask questions at 18:54:37, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

What is the meaning of muscle spasm? Muscle spasm is actually cramp, which refers to the involuntary rigidity contraction of muscles under the stimulation of some reasons. The main causes are the following four aspects. The first is cold stimulation. The second is electrolyte disorder in the body, leading to increased muscle excitability. The third is the muscle. The strong contraction in a short time leads to the increase of muscle load, which leads to the ischemia and hypoxia of the muscle, and then the local tension increases. The fourth is fatigue. Fatigue mainly refers to the decrease of blood circulation and energy metabolism after muscle fatigue, which leads to the increase of lactic acid accumulation and local muscle tension, resulting in spasm. Its clinical manifestations are mainly three points. The first point is that after the muscular rigidity contraction, it has a severe pain, and usually has pressing pain. The patient often refuses to check and press because of the intense pain. The second point is that the local muscles have a very stiff performance, and the muscles usually can not be flexed or extended, There is still sharp pain when pressing. The third is the joint that muscles participate in or attach to. Because of muscle contraction and pain, it leads to some functional limitations.

Legal pioneer- 2024-05-27 11:09:12

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