Can gout caused by drugs be treated

Fight the sword to the ends of the world Ask on April 15, 2024 08:25:01
Recommended answer

Gout caused by drugs cannot be cured, and the disease can only be controlled by taking drugs and changing the way of life to avoid aggravation. Generally, anti inflammation treatment should be carried out in time in the acute stage of gout to alleviate the disease, but blind medication is not recommended for acute gout. It is better to take medication under the guidance of doctors after examination in the hospital, which will be safer. Gout patients often have foot pain, redness and swelling, and some patients may also have fever and palpitations, so it is necessary to check as soon as possible after the onset of the disease, and control the impact of the disease as soon as possible. After suffering from gout, diet should also be taboo. You must not eat high purine food, and you should also exercise properly at ordinary times, but you should not take strenuous exercise, otherwise it is easy to aggravate the pain.

Fight the sword to the ends of the world 2024-04-22 12:31:44

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