What is a blister on the penis

Clivia Ask questions at 06:40:26, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

If blister like lesions appear on the penis, it is considered to be genital herpes. Genital herpes is mostly a sexually transmitted disease caused by herpes simplex virus type II infection. The main clinical symptom is that clusters of blister like lesions are distributed in the external genitals, accompanied by local pain. After the blister breaks, it may be secondary to bacterial infection. For the treatment of genital herpes, antiviral drugs are mainly used, such as acyclovir and famciclovir. Local skin lesions can be disinfected externally with iodophor to avoid secondary bacterial infection. The best way to avoid genital herpes is to avoid multiple sexual partners, which can reduce the chance of genital herpes infection. Genital herpes is a disease with high incidence among sexually transmitted diseases, and it ranks in the top three in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. Avoiding multiple sexual partners is the best way to prevent genital herpes.

Clivia 2024-04-22 12:24:23

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