What to do if you cough with phlegm and sore throat

Northern Girl Ask questions at 14:16:24, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Cough has phlegm and sore throat, which are mostly seen in upper respiratory tract infection. Anti infection drugs such as cefdinir, amoxicillin and other anti-inflammatory treatments can be given, and some Caoshanhu buccal tablets, Golden Throat, etc. can also be taken, which has a certain therapeutic effect on the throat and throat. If the cold symptoms are obvious, you can take Xinkangtaike, Ganmaotong and other drugs. If the effect of the above treatment is still poor, you need to go to the hospital to take a chest film, or do chest CT to wait for further examination to determine whether there are pneumonia, tuberculosis and other diseases. If there are these diseases, we should strengthen anti inflammation or anti tuberculosis treatment. Pay attention to light diet, eat less spicy and stimulating food, drink more water, pay attention to rest, and avoid fatigue.

Northern Girl 2024-04-22 12:31:08

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