How to make menstruation go faster

Look down on the world Ask questions at 05:18:29, 2024-05-08
Recommended answer

If you want to make your menstruation go faster, the most direct way is to inject progesterone, which is also the fastest effect. It usually takes effect 2 to 3 days after the injection, but it is not recommended to use such drugs for a long time. Because progesterone is a hormone drug, long-term use is likely to cause endocrine disorder and menstrual cycle disorder. It is recommended that women try to follow the normal menstrual cycle, Avoid artificially changing your menstrual cycle. At the same time, eat some food to warm the uterus during menstruation, avoid spicy and cold food, and pay attention to keeping warm, especially the abdomen, to prevent the abdomen from getting cold, which affects the smooth discharge of menstruation from the uterus.

Look down on the world 2024-05-13 11:24:40

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