What is pustular psoriasis

A rose that never withers Ask questions on May 29, 2024-18:05:11
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Pustular psoriasis is a special type of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a common chronic, recurrent and inflammatory skin disease. The typical rash is scaly erythema, papule and plaque. Psoriasis can be divided into common type, arthropathy type, pustular type and erythroderma type. Pustular psoriasis is usually an acute disease. On the skin lesions of psoriasis vulgaris or normal skin without skin lesions, small, shallow, sterile pustules with needle tip size and dense distribution quickly appear, which can be accompanied by chills, fever and other systemic symptoms, and can cause damage to toes and nails. The disease is repeated and chronic.

A rose that never withers 2024-06-03 12:10:50

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