What if there are red spots on both sides of the glans

Both wind and rain Ask questions on 2024-06-22 12:34:11
Recommended answer

Patients with condyloma acuminatum are often miserable. On the one hand, because of condyloma acuminatum, there are red spots on both sides of the tortoise, and there is often a tendency of papule pressure. Patients with condyloma acuminatum often feel that the position where they have condyloma acuminatum is itchy and uncomfortable. Because the disease is located in a private place, I often feel a lot of pressure during treatment. How to do if there are red dots on both sides of the turtle * of the patient with condyloma acuminatum?

Most of the symptoms of HPV infection are not obvious, sometimes they can feel burning pain, pruritus and oppression around the anus. A few small reddish papules can be seen at the beginning of condyloma acuminatum around the k-gate, gradually increasing, tending to fuse or overlap with each other, showing cauliflower shaped, * shaped, mushroom shaped or goose shaped proliferation of different sizes, soft in nature, and some skin lesions may have pedicles at the root. Due to the infiltration of secretions, the surface may be white, dirty gray, red or bleeding, and pus may accumulate between particles, giving off a foul smell. Due to local scratching and friction, the wart body may be damaged and the surface may be eroded, resulting in exudation, bleeding and secondary infection. At the same time, the growth of the wart body is particularly obvious.

Apply anti disease drugs.

Generally, it can be cured by adhering to the comprehensive treatment of rules.

1. Surgical treatment

For single and small condyloma, it can be removed surgically; For giant condyloma acuminatum, Mohs's operation can be used to remove it. During the operation, frozen sections are used to check whether the damage is removed completely.

2. Cryotherapy

Use liquid nitrogen at - 196 ℃ to treat condyloma acuminatum with pressure freezing method to promote the necrosis and abscission of wart tissue. This method is applicable to condyloma with small quantity and area. It can be treated 1-2 times with an interval of one week.

3. Laser treatment

Usually, CO2 laser is used to treat condyloma acuminatum by cauterization. This therapy is most suitable for condyloma of vulva, penis or anus. Single or a small number of multiple condyloma can be treated once, and multiple or large condyloma can be treated 2-3 times, with an interval of one week.

To sum up, 28% of the patients suffered from condyloma acuminatum because of their low immunity. Eating spicy and stimulating food often induces condyloma acuminatum. In order to improve the body's resistance. Moderate exercise is required. Do not casually use the foot cloth and foot basin used by the patient. The clothes and quilts used by patients need to be carefully ironed with disinfectant.

Both wind and rain 2024-06-24 11:39:46

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