What is the cause of swollen hands when sleeping

See through Ask questions at 13:50:11, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

After sleeping, the hand swells. Consider several reasons. First, when sleeping, the upper limb gets cold, leading to the vasoconstriction of the upper limb, which causes the obstruction of blood return and swelling of the upper limb. Second, the sleeping posture is not elegant when sleeping, which oppresses the return blood vessels of the upper limbs. The veins of the upper limbs are blocked, resulting in blood stasis in the periphery and swelling of the hands. Third, the pathological reason may be the formation of plaque after vascular sclerosis, or the blockage of blood vessels caused by other reasons, which causes the obstruction of blood flow and swelling of hands. Therefore, this situation needs to be checked in the hospital to further clarify the cause.

See through 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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