What is the treatment for constipation

Old Lane Old Man Ask questions on 07:52:25, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Constipation can be treated by the following methods: First, it can be assisted by instruments. If the stool is hard and stagnates in the rectum near the anus, colon hydrotherapy or cleaning enema can be used to assist defecation. 2、 Oral prokinetic agents such as mosapride can promote gastrointestinal motility, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and reduce constipation. 3、 Some lubricating laxatives can also be taken orally to lubricate the intestinal wall, soften the stool, and make the stool easy to be discharged. Liquid paraffin oil can be used for oral administration. Some volumetric laxatives can also be used, mainly including soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Volumetric laxatives take effect slowly, but the side effects are relatively small and safe. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

Old Lane Old Man 2024-06-03 12:15:52

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