What's wrong with itching and pimples

Rose with thorns Ask on 2024-04-16 02:42:43
Recommended answer

The main consideration of itching and pimples is an acute urticaria, which is an allergic skin disease. Common causes include food, drugs, environmental contact, and bacterial and viral infections in the respiratory or digestive tract, which can induce acute urticaria. First of all, we should go to the hospital to see the doctor for an interview, and the doctor should do some necessary examinations, including blood routine test, c-reactive protein, immunoglobulin, etc. We should try our best to eliminate the problem after identifying the cause, and then choose antihistamines for symptomatic treatment. In serious cases, it may also be necessary to choose hormone for infusion treatment. Usually, we should drink more warm water, supplement more fruits and vegetables, and try not to eat snacks, drinks and frozen things, as well as some heterosexual proteins, or seafood.

Rose with thorns 2024-04-22 12:20:44

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