What kind of antihypertensive drugs are good for high pressure

Empty man, empty world Ask on 22:02:42, May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

Generally, patients with high pressure can take antihypertensive drugs, including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, such as perindopril, enalapril, etc; Beta receptor blockers, such as bisoprolol, metoprolol, etc. Once diagnosed as hypertension, patients need to take long-term antihypertensive drugs for treatment. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the low salt and low-fat diet in our daily life. We should avoid spicy and irritant foods, such as preserved fish, bacon, pickles, barbecues, peppers, etc. The diet should be light, and we can eat some fresh vegetables and fruits, such as spinach, tomatoes, oranges, etc. Patients should also pay attention to avoid staying up late, ensure adequate sleep, avoid emotional excitement and tension, and maintain a comfortable mood. If appropriate, they should also take exercise to strengthen their physique. Exercise such as fast walking, jogging, square dancing, shadowboxing, etc., and regularly monitor their blood pressure.

Empty man, empty world 2024-05-27 10:46:12

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