What's the pain in the waist

Forever young Ask on 2024-04-20 08:27:34
Recommended answer

The clinical symptoms of distention and pain in the waist are mostly caused by incorrect working posture or bad habits of lifestyle. For example, improper bed, incorrect sleeping posture at night, long-term sitting and working, and long-term bending work will lead to repeated pulling and stimulation of waist muscles. Local soft tissue edema, congestion, formation of local aseptic inflammation, will stimulate the waist muscles appear swelling pain clinical symptoms. In addition, the pain in the waist does not rule out that it is caused by lumbar disc herniation. If it is serious, it will be accompanied by limited lumbar activity, radiation pain and numbness of lower limbs. It is suggested to go to a regular hospital, improve the MRI examination of the lumbar spine, clarify the severity of lumbar disc herniation, and give traction, physical therapy, or even surgical treatment of the lumbar spine to completely relieve the clinical symptoms of pain in the waist.

Forever young 2024-04-22 11:38:22

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