What to do if I can't sleep because my nose is blocked

A sea of people Ask questions at 12:30:29, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

In life, if the patient cannot sleep because his nose is blocked, he can try some small methods. If you have essential balm at home, you can try to smell it, or apply it on the palm of your hand or behind your ears, which can effectively reduce the nasal congestion of patients. You can also tear orange peel into small pieces and put them on the side of the nostrils, which is also conducive to improving the patient's nasal ventilation. At the same time, a warm towel can be applied to the nose, which is conducive to the blood circulation of the nose. It is suggested that patients should clarify the cause of nasal obstruction, sometimes because of a cold, sometimes because of heavy smoking and drinking before going to bed, and try to avoid such a situation. If necessary, the patient can take hospital inspection into consideration during the day, and apply mometasone furoate nasal spray locally. If necessary, it can be solved through surgery.

A sea of people 2024-04-22 11:37:35

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