How to recuperate with traditional Chinese medicine when menstruation is low

Green Willow Ask questions at 04:18:59, April 21, 2024
Recommended answer

Fewer menstruation is a clinical manifestation of irregular menstruation in women. Fewer menstruation is related to endocrine disorders, weakness of qi and blood and other factors. If there is no active treatment, amenorrhea may occur, and even more serious cases may cause female infertility. Many women have less menstruation because of blood deficiency, so the principle of nourishing blood and regulating menstruation should be used in treatment. If the menstruation is small and pale due to blood deficiency, you should choose to take Siwu Mixture, Fukangbao Oral Liquid and other Chinese medicines. The blood stasis type can be treated by taking Fuke Desheng Pill and Motherwort Ointment, or by taking Chinese medicines such as safflower, dangshen and aconite that can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. However, it must be guided by a professional doctor to select the most appropriate dose and course of treatment.

Green Willow 2024-04-22 12:29:56

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