How to be good for prostate

never give up Ask questions at 01:50:36, April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Because everyone's physical condition is different, we should pay attention to the maintenance of the prostate. We should not catch cold, smoke and drink, eat spicy and stimulating food, and sit and ride for a long time. If BPH is found during the examination, the decision should be made according to the degree and symptoms of BPH. First, if mild BPH is found during the examination, mild dysuria, frequent urination, or urgency of urination will generally occur. At this time, drugs such as Halogen should be used for treatment. 2、 If there is obvious lower urinary tract symptoms, or repeated attacks and pain, it needs to be treated with surgery. In this case, drug treatment has no obvious effect. Generally, after surgery, the cause can be completely removed, so that the curative effect can be achieved. This is the best way for the prostate.

never give up 2024-04-28 18:13:54

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