What kind of medicine is used for purulent parotitis

Green silk to white hair Ask on 2024-05-17 04:58:27
Recommended answer

Purulent parotitis is usually caused by bacterial infection. So it is OK to use penicillin antibiotics or cephalosporins for treatment. At the same time, pay attention to the observation that once the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, you can also take some antipyretic drugs to reduce the temperature, for example, you can take ibuprofen to reduce the temperature. At the same time, drink more water and supplement water in time to avoid electrolyte disorder caused by dehydration. If the patient's condition is relatively serious, he can also take some drugs to clear heat, detoxify and eliminate fire with the doctor, which can play an auxiliary role in treatment, and can make the disease recover as soon as possible. If there is more pus, he can be treated by surgical incision and drainage under the guidance of the doctor to relieve symptoms. After the operation, Ruyi Jinhuang Powder can be applied externally to relieve inflammation and pain.

Green silk to white hair 2024-05-20 11:55:05

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