What to do if the ps cc2015 window is too small/large

Chase my tomorrow Ask questions on 2024-06-04 12:18:39
Recommended answer

With the development of notebooks, more and more notebooks have high-resolution screens. After the installation of ps cc2015, it may be found that the interface of ps is too large or too small, and the menus and icons on the interface are too small. How to solve this problem? Now let's give you a brief introduction

Operation method

The following interface is used to set the previous 100% size

Find Edit on the menu bar

Find the bottom [Preferences] - [Interface]

Select [200%] in UI zoom

Click OK. At this time, you need to restart ps to take effect

You can see that the whole interface is enlarged a lot. If the interface is too large, select 100%

However, there are still some problems after zooming in. For example, my screen resolution here is 1920 * 1080, and when zoomed in to 200%, some panels can't be seen completely, which is very inconvenient. So I still choose the interface of 100%, 200% or higher resolution screens

Chase my tomorrow 2024-06-07 09:56:55

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