What is the medicine for kidney deficiency

Epiphyllum reticulatum Ask on 2024-05-19 06:35:18
Recommended answer

The drugs for kidney deficiency include Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Guifu Dihuang Pill, Zhibai Dihuang Pill, Zuogui Pill, Bawei Dihuang Pill, Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Yougui Pill, etc. There are many kinds of drugs for the treatment of kidney deficiency. Each person's physical condition is different, the duration of the disease is different, and the severity of the disease is different. The drugs are different. Kidney deficiency is divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency. The symptoms of the two are different, and the drugs used are also different. Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Zhibai Dihuang Pill and Zuogui Pill are used to treat kidney yin deficiency. Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Yougui Pill and Guifu Dihuang Pill are used to treat kidney yang deficiency. It is suggested that patients should pay attention to a light diet while using drugs for kidney deficiency. They can take foods with kidney tonifying properties to help recuperate, including mutton, beef, dog meat, leeks, yams, etc. Pay attention to rest and sexual life should be moderate.

Epiphyllum reticulatum 2024-05-20 11:16:23

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