What about bleeding after pregnancy and having sex

Laugh when youth is gone Ask questions on 2024-04-17 08:04:13
Recommended answer

After pregnancy, bleeding in the same room should first consider whether there is threatened abortion. Second, we should consider whether there are cervical lesions. After pregnancy, if the placental position is low, during the stimulation of sexual life, a small amount of bleeding will occur due to the separation of the fetal membrane. Generally, you need to stay in bed and rest, and use fetal medicine to restrain the contraction of the uterus, and the bleeding will stop slowly. Or some women have bleeding after sexual life because of embryonic dysplasia, and only after doing B-ultrasound did they find that the fetus has stopped developing. If women have cervicitis, cervical polyps, and even precancerous lesions of the cervix, they will also have blood in their secretions after pregnancy. TCT and HPV examination of the cervix can also be carried out during pregnancy.

Laugh when youth is gone 2024-04-22 11:41:45

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