What's wrong with stomachache and blood urination

the elderly Ask questions at 14:09:53, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

Abdominal pain and blood in urine, which is more obvious naked eye hematuria. It is often caused by stones in the urinary system. Urinary calculi are divided into kidney calculi, ureteral calculi, bladder calculi and urethral calculi. If there is abdominal pain, the upper urinary tract stones are more likely than the lower urinary tract stones. It is suggested that the color ultrasound examination of the urinary system should be carried out, and attention should also be paid to the possibility of urinary system infection. Urine analysis and urine culture should also be carried out. If the amount of bleeding is large, it may also lead to obstruction of blood clots, causing pain and discomfort. It is recommended to do color ultrasound examination to exclude the possibility of tumor. If necessary, urography or ureteroscopy can be done.

the elderly 2024-04-22 12:28:05

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