What causes cerebral thrombosis?

Unique rabbit Ask questions on 2024-06-02 12:16:13
Recommended answer

The most common cause of cerebral thrombosis is arteriosclerosis. Because of cerebral arteriosclerosis, the lumen intima is rough, and the lumen is narrow, under certain conditions, such as reduced blood pressure, slow blood flow or increased blood viscosity, enhanced platelet aggregation and other factors, coagulation factors in the lumen agglomerate to form thrombus, occlude blood vessels, and interrupt blood flow, Thus, the cerebral tissue in the blood supply area of the blood vessel will suffer from ischemia, hypoxia, softening and necrosis. Cerebral thrombosis can occur in any part of the cerebral artery, but in clinical practice, it is the most common thrombosis formed by the branches of the internal carotid artery, the anterior cerebral artery and the middle cerebral artery.

Unique rabbit 2024-06-03 11:58:35

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