What causes acute gastroenteritis

Fate is doomed Ask questions at 06:10:49, April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Acute gastroenteritis is caused by virus or bacterial infection, which is the acute gastroenteritis after the patient eats dirty food contaminated by virus or bacteria. Patients may have fever, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, loss of appetite and other symptoms. The patient can have a routine blood test. The blood test shows that the leukopenia neutrophils are elevated, which is the acute gastroenteritis caused by bacterial infection. You can choose cephalosporin or levofloxacin for treatment. After effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment, the symptoms can be quickly relieved. If the blood routine test shows that the leukocyte neutrophils are normal, it is the acute gastroenteritis caused by virus infection. The symptomatic treatment is mainly given. Berberine, montmorillonite powder, probiotics and other antidiarrheal treatments can be selected. If you have fever and the axillary temperature exceeds 38.5 ℃, you can choose physical cooling, or ibuprofen, meloxicam and other antipyretic treatments. If you have symptoms of abdominal pain, you can choose anticholinergic drugs, such as 654-2, atropine and other antispasmodic and analgesic treatments.

Fate is doomed 2024-04-28 18:11:44

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