What's wrong with men's right flank pain

Open-minded Ask on 2024-06-22 22:34:32
Recommended answer

Lumbago is a common disease. Many male friends have this symptom. I believe many men are troubled by lumbago! Many people do not understand what causes low back pain, which may lead us to ignore the disease. So it is very important to understand the causes of low back pain in men. What is the problem of right side low back pain in men? What should we do?

1. The most common disease of low back pain is kidney deficiency. In addition to low back pain and kidney deficiency, there is also decreased sexual function, decreased male sexual interest, decreased sexual desire, Yang * or Yang Wu but not hard, spermatorrhea, slippery semen, early *. Microscopic examination shows that sperm is reduced or sperm activity is reduced, infertility. Premature aging, amnesia, insomnia, loss of appetite, bone and joint pain, waist and knee weakness, fatigue intolerance, fatigue, fatigue. The symptoms of kidney deficiency in the aspect of urination are: frequent urination, waiting for urine, clear and long urine, etc.

2. Men's low back pain may also be caused by urinary system infection. Most of the low back pain is caused by acute and chronic pyelonephritis, which is manifested as low back pain and distention, and severe cases radiate along the ureter to the perineum. In addition to urinary infection, diseases such as urinary stones and tuberculosis can also cause low back pain.

3. Lumbar diseases can also cause low back pain. With the growth of age, the compression symptoms of lumbar nerves will also increase. Pseudospondylolisthesis caused by degenerative diseases is a common disease, which is easy to cause lumbar spinal canal stenosis, compression of spinal cord and nerve root, low back pain and lower limb radiation pain, and is often a collapse fracture of the vertebral body caused by osteoporosis. The formation of osteophytes in the elderly can cause stiffness of the spine, and can also cause persistent low back pain.

After reading the above, do you think there are so many reasons for men's low back pain? I hope every male friend can understand what's wrong with men's right side low back pain? At ordinary times, you must take good care of yourself and form good habits. Don't stay up late often. No matter how busy you are, you must take a break on time.

Open-minded 2024-06-24 11:37:11

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