Where is the pancreas

everything is going smoothly Ask questions on 2024-05-29 01:49:26
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The pancreas is mainly located in the left upper abdomen of the human body, and its specific location is behind the stomach and transverse colon. It is generally divided into four parts: pancreatic head, pancreatic neck, pancreatic body, and pancreatic tail. The pancreas is an important secretory organ of the human body. The pancreatic juice it secretes can neutralize gastric acid, decompose sugar, protein and fat. In addition, the pancreas secretes insulin, which is mainly used to maintain the stability of blood sugar in patients. If patients have pancreatic diseases, they may have clinical manifestations such as anorexia, discomfort in the left upper abdomen, and significant changes in blood sugar.

everything is going smoothly 2024-06-03 12:00:01

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