How to deal with anal fissure caused by hemorrhoids

Clear water and clear clouds Ask questions at 22:05:12, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

In clinical practice, if hemorrhoids cause anal fissure, first of all, conservative treatment is recommended, that is, appropriate drug treatment. Now the main drugs used are hemorrhoids suppository or hemorrhoids ointment, and sometimes also drugs to improve perianal microcirculation. In addition, there are many precautions. For example, you must keep your stool soft and smooth. In addition, it is also necessary to shorten the defecation time, try not to exceed 5 minutes, avoid drinking, smoking, staying up late, overwork, frequent strenuous exercise, eat more vegetables, eat more fruits, and take proper sports and drink more water. If the treatment effect is not satisfactory, surgery can be performed, such as anal fissure resection, external hemorrhoid resection or internal hemorrhoid ligation.

Clear water and clear clouds 2024-05-20 11:53:03

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