Urinary tract infection patients must know these inspection items!

More sensible than before Ask questions on June 23, 2024-13:04:04
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Urinary tract infection is an obvious disease, so it is easy to be found. However, some people in life will pretend to ignore these symptoms even when they see them, thus missing the best opportunity for treatment. I suggest that once the symptoms related to urinary tract infection are found, we must seek medical advice in time. What are the inspection items of urinary tract infection?

1. Urine routine

Urinary routine examination is the most widely used and simple examination method in clinical practice. Although it has no diagnostic value for urinary tract infection, combined with clinical symptoms, it can often be used as the basis for clinicians to preliminarily diagnose urinary tract infection. Aidi counting is one of the methods of urinary sediment microscopy, which can be used as an auxiliary examination of routine urine.

2. Urine bacterial culture

Urine bacterial culture is a diagnostic test for urinary tract infection. Only positive urine bacterial culture can diagnose urinary tract infection, otherwise the diagnosis cannot be established. Urine bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test have important reference value for the selection of antibiotics in treatment.

3. Ultrasound and X-ray examination of kidney and bladder

For patients suspected of other concurrent diseases or suspected urinary tract infection, kidney, bladder B ultrasound, X-ray examination (including abdominal plain film, intravenous pyelography), or even CT examination can be performed to exclude renal tuberculosis, urinary tract stones, hydronephrosis, renal cysts, renal tumors, urinary tract abnormalities, etc.

4. Check renal function regularly

For patients who are not sure whether it is upper urinary tract infection or lower urinary tract infection, the examination of antibody coated cells (ACB), urinary lysozyme, β 2-microglobulin, etc. in urine sediment has certain clinical significance. Renal function should be checked regularly in patients with recurrent urinary tract infection and lingering disease.

More sensible than before 2024-06-24 11:40:59

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